Art of Friendship Social Skills Tip # 2: Your Reputation Project: Get Good Reactions


A reputation is formed by the way people think and feel about you. From physics, we know that every action causes and equal reaction. This cause-effect relationship is true in socialization, as well. Use the following formula to help your child enhance and maintain a great reputation:

IF I do ___(insert behavior)___ action,

THEN kids will:

Think __________ about me;

Feel __________ about me;

Do __________ behavior towards me;

Effective social behaviors in the top “behavior” line guarantee a positive reaction. This formula helps users select great social behaviors that get great reactions! Good luck on your Reputation Project.

Accept DIFFERENT PEOPLE HAVE DIFFERENT MINDS and you’ll be in position to learn and practice most other social skills!

Onward and upward!  -Mike 


Art of Friendship Social Skills Tip # 3: Different People Have Different Minds


Art of Friendship Social Skills Tip # 1: The Unwritten Social Contract