Art of Friendship Social Skills Tip # 5: Zoom In and Zoom Out on Friends


If someone were taking a picture of you alone, he could ZOOM IN because you are the only one to focus on. You are the expert of YOU. You know exactly how you think, how you feel, and what you want. ZOOMED-IN THINKING is “all about ME.” When you are all alone, you can act pretty much any way you want.

When you are around other people, a photographer must ZOOM OUT to get everyone in the picture. The photographer must think about the whole group. When you leave the house and you’re around others, you need to use ZOOMED-OUT THINKING. It’s not all about YOU, it’s about you and OTHERS, you and THE GROUP. What is in each of their minds (AoF Tip #3)? What does each person want? What does the whole group need to be productive or fun?

 Ask your child which ROAD he would prefer to take? What is her or her ROAD TO HAPPINESS with friends? Is the ROAD TO HAPPINESS when you get what you want or when you keep the group happy? How about staying calm? What’s the ROAD TO HAPPINESS with siblings? With family? What is your child’s ROAD TO SUCCESS regarding school/work?” MAKE GREAT CHOICES!

Onward and upward.  --Mike 


Art of Friendship Social-Coping Tip # 6: Self-Determination: Take Your Road to Happiness


Art of Friendship Social Skills Tip # 4: Read People Like a Book